Since its serialization began in 2014, Rascal Does Not Dream has remained a remarkably successful light novel series, culminating in its conclusion in October 2024. Fans now have the exciting opportunity to watch the anime adaptation on one of the largest streaming platforms.
In 2025, Hulu will premiere Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai, marking the first anime adaptation in the franchise. This release coincides with the debut of the next anime season. With the source material recently completed, it’s an ideal time for both new viewers and longtime fans to catch up on the series.
Beginning January 20, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai will be available for streaming on Hulu. The platform will offer both the English dub and subtitled versions, providing options for viewers to enjoy the series in their preferred language.
Released in 2018 and animated by CloverWorks (known for Spy x Family and My Dress-Up Darling), the supernatural romantic drama consists of 13 episodes that adapt the first five volumes of the Rascal Does Not Dream light novel series.
This was followed by a movie the next year, along with adaptations for Rascal Does Not Dream of a Sister Venturing Out and Rascal Does Not Dream of a Knapsack Kid, which featured the same voice cast as the anime series and covered additional light novel volumes.
The Rascal Does Not Dream series encompasses a total of 15 light novel volumes, with the final installment released on October 10, 2024. Additionally, a manga adaptation has been ongoing since 2015, one year after the novels debuted, with 11 volumes currently available.
The next anime adaptation, scheduled for 2025, will be Rascal Does Not Dream of Santa Claus, which will cover the entirety of the 13th light novel volume of the same name, while also incorporating content from Volumes 10, 11, and 12 (the “University Student” arc) that were not included in the latest film.
Although the exact premiere date for this season remains uncertain, viewers can look forward to enjoying the first season of Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai on Hulu in January.